Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Paragraph 1: the global shortage of water

Water depletion is affecting the entire planet; however some areas are suffering more than others. Uzbekistan has a water resource problem because of the environmental degradation that has happened in the Aral Sea, especially during the period from 1960 until 1992. The area of the sea was halved and shrunk rapidly and Uzbekistan now faces a lack of basic infrastructure to build a water distribution pipe system and to monitor the threats from pollutants in the area. (UNICEF Uzbekistan/2003)

 The Uzbekistanian people are using the water extensively for agriculture and they started to use more channels for irrigation. Uzbekistan now has less water resources and this is affecting Karakalpakstan and the neighboring region of Khorezm. Around 2.5 million people are at risk because of a shortage of the clean water. The people there are drinking polluted water and they don’t care very much whether it’s clean or not and this means for that reason pollution is spreading along the region and started to increase the spread of more water- borne diseases like cholera. Without any solution or access to pure and clean water, the children of Uzbekistan will face a bleak and miserable future.( saltmovie2010, Jul 23, 2010)( EDSserver,2010)

Both the government and international donors are trying to deal with the situation and they are trying to find other resources of pure water. Other organizations like the NATO and the ENVSEC are helping Uzbekistan to deal with this issue.

Paragraph 2: a case study
The Soviet government decided in the 1960s, on the conversion of two rivers that feed into the Aral Sea, in the north-east of the country. These wastes irrigate deserts, in order to grow rice, melons, and grains, and also, cotton. The farming of cotton, or "white gold" for export made revenue for Uzbekistan as one of the largest exporters of cotton. (New Scientist, 1989)
The cotton industry using toxic chemical pesticides in production which flows into rivers. This together with other industrial projects and weapons testing caused high levels of pollution locally dispersed by the wind. It has cause high levels of anemia, tuberculosis, liver and kidney problems and respiratory diseases. In addition numbers affected by cancer, immunological problems and birth defects have increased and eye problems from toxic dust. The fishing industry that once employed tens of thousands of people is gone due to the level of the sea. Also one third of the population uses drinking water that does not meet safe quality standards. (UNICEF Uzbekistan/2003)
As the sea began to dry up in 1970 it continued to drop between 31 to 35 in each year and by 2008 was about 10% of its original size by 2050 it will cease to exist and the overall cost of the damage to the Aral Sea has been estimated £800 million. (USDA-Foreign Agriculture Service, 2008) (Shawki Barghouti 2006).
Paragraph 3:Solutions
Water shortage is a serious problem that needs quick and useful solutions to improve the situation in Uzbekistan in particular. There are several potentially effective solutions that can help such as desalination, reclaimed water usage, rationalization of usage and cloud seeding.  However the Aral Sea poses a huge challenge.
            Desalination is a powerful solution that can solve the water shortage problem. It is a kind of procedure that removes the salt from undrinkable water so people can use it safely. Even the desalination cost lots of money and power; it is powerful solution because people can use sea water that exists all over the world several times over. (DP - Water Shortages, 2012)
            Recycled water is another major solution that treats wasted water and removes contaminants. Using recycled water is healthy and it can be used for different aspects except drinking this as most experts agree. For example, recycled water can be used for landscape purposes such as golf courses and recreational venues. Also, it can be used in the cotton industry and so prevent many diseases. (CDP - Water Shortages, 2012)
            Rationalizing usage is the best solution for Uzbekistan as there has to be a massive rethink. In this case the government needs to advise consumption of water in the right way. It also can provide enough water for cotton production in future by this method. (Juraev, S. 2001)
Cloud seeding can be part of the water shortage solution. This occurs when “tiny crystals of silver iodide are sprinkled over clouds to promote moisture circulating in the clouds” .Even though this process is expensive; it is used in Canada extensively. (CDP - Water Shortages, 2012)
In conclusion, water shortages are a serious problem that needs more international effort to prevent a dire the future for the Uzbekistani people. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Final Project Bibliography : Uzbekistan

1.      Aral Sea Before and After 2010 : Exclusive Video [HD] - YouTube . (n.d.). YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . Retrieved April 30, 2012, from

2.      ARAL SEA. (n.d.). EDSserver. Retrieved April 30, 2012, from

3.      Aral Sea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April 30, 2012, from

4.      CDP - Water Shortages. (n.d.). CDP: California Drought Preparedness. Retrieved April 30, 2012, from

5.      Juraev, S. (2001). THE WATER PROBLEM IN CENTRAL ASIA: IS THERE A SOLUTION? | Central Asia-Caucasus Institute Analyst. The Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst | Central Asia-Caucasus Institute Analyst. Retrieved April 29, 2012, from

6.      UNICEF Uzbekistan - Water, environment and sanitation - The Aral Sea and drought. (n.d.). UNICEF - UNICEF Home. Retrieved April 30, 2012, from

7.      Water shortages create instability risk in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan. (n.d.). Universal Newswires. Retrieved May 1, 2012, from

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Individual Assignment :Section 3

           Today transportation efficient and environmentally and friendly avery thing have change because of technology .Trains have developed and been super faster and called Maglev and can reach to approximately 500 km/h and works with a diesel engine. Cars the most used of transportation and it developed to be smart and hybrid engine and environmentally cars. Airplanes the faster way of transportation and the Super Jumbo Plane can fly with 555 passengers and inside the plane there is many facilities and entertainments as like lounge and gym. Future will be used electric technology vehicles green energy. Finally in the future we will able to plan for our trip to space planets soon.  (Think Quest, 2012)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Individual Assignment :Section 2 Development

        In the 1800s the Industrial Revolution made a big change in transportation, which resulted in improvements in the economy and in the spread of social culture. It began in the United kingdom and spread to Western Europe then to North America and after that, the rest of the world. The Industrial Revolution led to mass manufacturing, extensive mining and textile production. It also saw big changes in and improvements to farming methods, resulting in the   increased sale of goods and shifts in the spread of the population. Transportation changes came very fast result as a result of methods to move goods.( Lucas, Robert E., Jr. (2002).)
        Transportation has developed in several stages. Firstly they started to increase and improve the main roads and made extensions to reach different places. They were using turnpikes to maintain the road; however farmers and industrialists were moving heavy and light goods and then they started to use the postal coach service as this   was the faster way. At a later stage, they began to build canals in the 18th century to move goods by water and this helped the manufacturing industry and mining. People moved their goods more cheaply to cross between cities smoothly and in more comfort. The third stage began when railways were built and most of them were built by navies because it was hard work .Construction of the railways connected the larger cities and they were used to move charcoal and iron rails.   (Business and Economics. Leading Issues in Economic Development, Oxford University Press US), (Tadeokk, 2010)
           The progress in transportation meant that steam power was invented by Thomas Savery in 1698. After that it was developed more in 1787 by John Fitch who built the first recorded steam-powered boat. In the United States in 20th century the inventor of the combustion engine   helped to develop  the automobile and motor cycle and buses went smoother. The Wright brothers made the fixed wing airplane and this was the beginning of air travel. Finally the Space Age began with rockets travelling outside the earth’s orbit. ("Canadian Encyclopedia", 2010)( Smithsonian Institution2010)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Individual Assignment bibliography section 1

1.    Eras, t. (n.d.). Industrial Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April 12, 2012, from

2.  History of Transportation - YouTube . (n.d.). YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . Retrieved March 15, 2012, from

3.       History Presentation: Changes in Transport/Industrial Revolution - YouTube . (n.d.). YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . Retrieved March 22, 2012, from

4.       Index. (n.d.). ThinkQuest : Library. Retrieved March 22, 2012, from

5.       Transport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved March 15, 2012, from

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

History of transport

             Transportation is the way of moving or changing location from point A to point B. There are three types of means of transportation by air, road, and water. Roads were originally just dirt tracks but transportation by this way to developed the economic trade of the country internally instead of by sea.

                Back 1700s transport was still slow and uncomfortable and the types of transportation were simple and they used many type of transportation solutions like human and animal power to carry cargo, walking to other places or swimming. Human labor was even cheaper than using animals there were. However, also many type of animal power transportation like horses drawn carts, carriages, and camels in the Gulf region as well as dogs, bulls and donkeys, but the horses were the faster way of transport. Maritime transportused sail boats and wooden boats in rivers, canals and in the ocean to travel and for cargo goods.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Carbon Emissions

A new study in the Middle East and North Africa shows oil and gas rich countries are creating more amounts of carbon emissions per capita than the average. Co2 is created as people burn fossil fuels to generated electricity and to supply transport. Calculating emissions is important to show responsibility to the climate .Arabian Gulf countries are among the top carbon emitters. Qatar having the highest ecological footprint globally and Palestine has the smallest footprint. The study shows that inefficiency in the use of resources is to blame .Therefore; the UAE has started to regulate the use of air conditioning equipment and will begin analyses of emissions to help monitor the level greenhouse gases. Local vegetation like wetlands and mangroves will help the balance of co2 emissions.

Todorova, v. (2011, August 27). Region's carbon emissions doubled in past 30 years: report. Retrieved February 25, 2012, from



Sunday, February 19, 2012

Solar Energy Plant

Gemasolar is a solar plant which is a joint venture by Masdar of Abu Dhabi and the Spanish engineering Company Sener. The idea behind this plant is to produce heat energy from the sun by using mirrors.
The mirrors reflect the sun rays and heat salt which becomes liquid and transfer the heat to the receiver technology. So the salt is pumped to the tower from storage tank to power up a steam turbine to produce electricity.
Produce around 110 gigawatt per hour. It is scheduled to heat thousands of homes. So the challenge is to maximize the plant output and storage the energy from the sun for use when needed.
The mirrors are very big so they have a control room to keep them following the sun.
The plant is state of the art and very exciting for the future of the green energy.
The science behind Masdar's Spanish solar solution - The National. (n.d.). Latest and breaking news | - The National. Retrieved February 20, 2012, from
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