Saturday, February 25, 2012

Carbon Emissions

A new study in the Middle East and North Africa shows oil and gas rich countries are creating more amounts of carbon emissions per capita than the average. Co2 is created as people burn fossil fuels to generated electricity and to supply transport. Calculating emissions is important to show responsibility to the climate .Arabian Gulf countries are among the top carbon emitters. Qatar having the highest ecological footprint globally and Palestine has the smallest footprint. The study shows that inefficiency in the use of resources is to blame .Therefore; the UAE has started to regulate the use of air conditioning equipment and will begin analyses of emissions to help monitor the level greenhouse gases. Local vegetation like wetlands and mangroves will help the balance of co2 emissions.

Todorova, v. (2011, August 27). Region's carbon emissions doubled in past 30 years: report. Retrieved February 25, 2012, from



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