Thursday, April 12, 2012

Individual Assignment :Section 2 Development

        In the 1800s the Industrial Revolution made a big change in transportation, which resulted in improvements in the economy and in the spread of social culture. It began in the United kingdom and spread to Western Europe then to North America and after that, the rest of the world. The Industrial Revolution led to mass manufacturing, extensive mining and textile production. It also saw big changes in and improvements to farming methods, resulting in the   increased sale of goods and shifts in the spread of the population. Transportation changes came very fast result as a result of methods to move goods.( Lucas, Robert E., Jr. (2002).)
        Transportation has developed in several stages. Firstly they started to increase and improve the main roads and made extensions to reach different places. They were using turnpikes to maintain the road; however farmers and industrialists were moving heavy and light goods and then they started to use the postal coach service as this   was the faster way. At a later stage, they began to build canals in the 18th century to move goods by water and this helped the manufacturing industry and mining. People moved their goods more cheaply to cross between cities smoothly and in more comfort. The third stage began when railways were built and most of them were built by navies because it was hard work .Construction of the railways connected the larger cities and they were used to move charcoal and iron rails.   (Business and Economics. Leading Issues in Economic Development, Oxford University Press US), (Tadeokk, 2010)
           The progress in transportation meant that steam power was invented by Thomas Savery in 1698. After that it was developed more in 1787 by John Fitch who built the first recorded steam-powered boat. In the United States in 20th century the inventor of the combustion engine   helped to develop  the automobile and motor cycle and buses went smoother. The Wright brothers made the fixed wing airplane and this was the beginning of air travel. Finally the Space Age began with rockets travelling outside the earth’s orbit. ("Canadian Encyclopedia", 2010)( Smithsonian Institution2010)

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